As an experienced caregiver, you know how important it is to have a sounding board; a sympathetic ear to listen to your thoughts and someone who understands what it is like to be a caregiver. A caregiver who can listen, offer support, point you in the direction of the resources that you need, but most importantly, understands your situation.

If you are interested in applying to be a Peer Mentor with the Ontario Caregiver Organization’s 1:1 Peer Support Program, please apply here. The Peer Support Lead can answer any questions you might have, guide you through your training and help you create a profile to be matched with another caregiver who needs you.

We recommend that Peer Mentors are available for 1-2 hours per week, and we do ask Peer Mentors to commit to participating in the program for a minimum of one year and maintain regular contact with the Peer Support Program Lead during this time. During the initial phases of your match, we suggest that you connect with your caregiver Participant for roughly one hour each week to ensure that you are able to build a strong foundation to in your peer support relationship. As a phone based program, we welcome experienced caregiver volunteers from across Ontario. Our Peer Mentors (and caregiver Participants) are required to sign a Confidentiality Pledge to ensure privacy and confidentiality for everyone involved. We provide training, skill development, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities to our Peer Mentors on a regular basis.

“I recently retired from the healthcare profession. My daughter is now 40 years of age and was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder in 2005 following an attempt to take her life. She lived with me until 2019, has been high functioning and is now in a group residence. This has provided her with the structure that she has needed, and I am finding some peace within myself and my life, although difficult at times for both of us. I have participated in support groups both as a participant and facilitator for many years, to find personal balance and get support that I have needed. Being a caregiver, especially as I was working fulltime was very challenging however, doable with supports.”


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