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When caregivers engage with healthcare professionals and practitioners, large scale improvements in healthcare become possible.
Through the principles of meaningful engagement and co-design of programs and services, the experience of caregivers, patients and families are improved, and the relationships between patients and providers is strengthened.
While meaningful engagement can take more time, evidence shows that caregiver involvement can result in a better care experience and better health outcomes.
Explore resources and get the support you need to foster meaningful engagement and co-design in your healthcare setting.
Rules of Engagement – 15 recommended approaches for healthcare organizations to use when involving patients and caregivers in any engagement activity.
Rules of Engagement- the Caregiver Perspective – Learn how caregivers imagine the rules of engagement come to life.
Taking patient partnering to the next level – Developed by Ontario Health On. Find tips, considerations, and best practices for engaging caregivers, patients, and families.
Ontario Health – Choosing Meaningful Projects – Tips and resources for engaging caregivers, provided by Health Quality Ontario.
Ontario Health – A Glossary of Health Care Terms: For Patient and Caregiver Partners – Find a list of common terms used across the Ontario health care system.
Family engagement & Youth engagement – Discover quality standards developed by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health.
Ontario Health recruiting for diversity – Ontario Health developed a resource to support recruiting for diversity in engagement
Ontario Health developed an equity, inclusion, diversity and anti-racism framework.
Diversity in patient engagement report – Read case studies about diversity and the engagement process.
The Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) has created the Indigenous patient family and community engagement toolkit to support and guide Indigenous Primary Health Care Organizations (IPHCOs) and all Indigenous communities and organizations involved in the planning, design, delivery, and evaluation of health services for Indigenous Peoples to partner, collaborate and engage in a meaningful way.
RISE (Rapid-Improvement Support and Exchange) – Resources for patients, families and caregivers, OHT staff to support partnership and engagement in Ontario Health Teams.
Trillium Health Partners’ Institute for Better Health collaborated with patients, families and caregivers, OHT support partners, the ministry and Support House to develop a Patient, Caregiver & Community Engagement Learning Series including webinars and workbooks on key competencies for meaningful engagement.
Public and Patient Engagement Collaborative (PPEC) developed Creating Engagement Capable Environments in Ontario Health Teams: A Framework for Action in collaboration with patient, family, and caregiver partners and engagement leads from OHTs
Healthcare Excellence Canada Patient Engagement Resource Hub – Find resources to support partnering with caregivers, patients, and families to improve quality across the continuum of care.
Ontario Health Patient Partnering Tools and Resources – Find ways that patients and families can play an active role in partnering with health providers and organizations.
Download a step-by-step guide of PowerPoint slide decks designed to help you learn how to practically apply the theory and frameworks of EBCD in your own projects
How to co-design (using the 6 steps of EBCD)
The following checklists support the Set Up and Discovery phases of EBCD.
Experience-Based Co-Design Checklist Part 1: Set Up
Experience-Based Co-Design Checklist Part 2: Discovery
The Lessons from Changing CARE reports series (2018 to 2020) features practical tips for you to use and adapt when co-designing solutions in your own setting.
The Discovery Phase of Experience Based Co-Design Report – Find practical tips to help guide organizations in their caregiver and provider engagement efforts.
Co-Design Events Report – Focuses on what the projects learned from initial co-design events.
Testing and Implementation Report – Focuses on lessons about piloting, testing, and implementing co-designed change initiatives.
Sustainability and Spread report – Reflects on what the projects learned about sustainability and spread of change initiatives during the project and beyond.
If you are a healthcare organization interested in learning more about the support offered by the Essential Care Partner Support Hub, contact us to schedule a 30-minute introductory session.
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