The Caregiving Story of Mercadez–A Child Caregiver
“My caregiving story started far before I knew what caregiving was. I was a child thrown into the caregiving world, caring for both my parents.”
Finding balance as a young person in a caregiving role is not easy.
You play a vital role, but you’ve also got your own life to think about. This might include school, part-time jobs and a social life.
As a caregiver, staying connected to friends and family is an important way to take care of your mental health. Above all, remember that you are not alone.
Visit OCO’s online resource centre, created especially for young caregivers:
Young Caregivers Support Group – A safe place to share your feelings and hear from others going through similar experiences.
1:1 Peer Support Program – Get matched with a trained Peer Mentor who will listen and provide emotional support over the phone. – Free, confidential information about community services in your area.
Kid’s Help Phone – A 24/7 national support service, offering professional counselling, information, and referrals.
One Stop Talk – Instantly connect with a registered therapist that can help you move forward and feel better.
Bounceback – Find support to help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Emily’s House – A children’s hospice that offers support services to young caregivers.
Young Carers Program – A program of Hospice Toronto. Get support with a focus on recreational, social, educational, and skill development activities.
TAO Tel-Aide – Connect with a trained volunteer who offers active listening and support.
Caring for: Mother & Father
“My caregiving story started far before I knew what caregiving was. I was a child thrown into the caregiving world, caring for both my parents.”
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